Map of the region Filter by Activities and wealthCultureFamilyGastronomySport & NatureConstructionLandscaping / Interior DesignArchitectureStudies offices / EngineersElectricityMaterial suppliersStructural workPainting / Plastering / InsulationSanitation / HeatingTransportsDrainage / Sanitation / DisinfectionSheltered Picnic AreaEntertainmentAssociations / ClubsCinemas / Theatres / Concert HallsGalleries / Museums / FoundationsLeisureEvent organisersCultural sitesAccommodationHoliday apartmentsCampingGuest roomsHotelsGroup accommodation / gitesRestaurants, bars & cafésBar / Café / NightlifeBakeries / Tea-Rooms / Ice creamCellars / VinothequesAsian cuisineItalian cuisineValais cuisineVaried cuisineFast-foodSet-price menusHealth and WellnessBeautyDentistsDoctors / SpecialistsPharmacy / DrugstoresPhysiotherapist / Osteopath / ChiropractorCare / CoachesServicesRecruitment agenciesTravel agenciesReal estate agenciesPetsInsurance / SecurityLawyers / Notaries / Legal adviceBanksCommunications / Marketing / Photographers / Graphic designersWarehouses / StorageShippingTraining / Schools / Driving schoolsGarages / RefuellingWealth management / FiduciaryPrintingIT / Multimedia / TelecommunicationsLaundry / Dry cleaning / CleaningUndertakersEmergency servicesPublic transportShoppingFood / BeveragesSports goodsJewellery / WatchesGifts / Decorations / GamesShopping centresMiscellaneousElectronics / MusicFlowers / PlantsNewsagent / TobaccoBookshops / StationeryFashionOptics / HearingLocal produce Suggestions Groups & MICE An ideal destination and on a humane scale for business trips, Martigny proposes a superb choice of hotels and seminar rooms as well as offering attractive leisure activities for groups. An ideal destination for business trips, Martigny has the latest infrastructures and highly attractive offers for groups. Events With around 30 major events and more than 200 activities throughout the year, Martigny is the most dynamic town in Valais. Convenient