Entertainment and procession – 1.00 pm

  • Parade route: Avenue de la Gare – Place Centrale – Hôtel de Ville – Amphithéâtre
  • from 1.00 pm to 3.45 pm

More than 600 artists will be showcasing their traditional cultures in a Grand Cortège Folklorique, free of charge.

The twenty or so groups will feed off your applause, so come along in numbers for this great communion of Peace.

See the following groups during the procession:

Tanzanie – Nouvelle-Calédonie – Portugal – Colombie – France – Bulgarie – USA – Tambours d’Octodure – Zachéos – La Comberintze – La Chanson de la Montagne de Nendaz – Mokshu Lions – Li Rondenia – Harmonie municipale de Martigny – Lè Réchètte – L’Arbarintze – Les Tri’Vzin – Le Vieux-Salvan – Swiss-Folk-Arts “Röschtigrabe” – Fifres et Tambours de St-Luc – Lè Mayintson – Ej’Ecochyoeü de Ninda – Trachtengruppe Düdingen – L’Arc-en-Ciel d’Evolène

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