CinéManoir – The Devils – Cycle Gore des Caves

Le CinéManoir joins forces with Le Gore des Alpes to introduce you to a few pearls of dark and sinister cinema... A book - a film, with a reading of a chosen extract preceding each screening.

The Devils & La chienne du Tzain-Bernard – Gabriel Bender – Gore des Alpes – 2019

Horror film by Ken Russel (UK, 1971)

Original version with subtitles

With Vanessa Redgrave, Oliver Reed, Dudley Sutton

What’s it about?

A masterpiece of the possession film, The Devils is not, however, a masterpiece. Adapted from the book The Devils of Loudun, written by Aldous Huxley, this film is more about the dangers of a religion that eats away at minds and bodies, about fanaticism more deadly than any weapon, and about the passion that Christianity forces us to curb, at the risk of our sanity.

Censored in many countries on its release, Italy banned it outright, threatening the actors with three years’ imprisonment if they dared set foot in the country.

Like La Chienne du Tzain-Bernard, this film exposes the hypocritical intolerances of a decadent Church and the ecclesiastical stranglehold on the people.

7.30pm: Doors open

8:00 pm: Reading

8:30 pm: Film

00h00: Closing

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